Welcome to our celebration of English literature! This space is dedicated to exploring the rich tapestry of English authors whose works have shaped the literary landscape across centuries. From the profound narratives of Shakespeare and the poignant poetry of Wordsworth to the innovative storytelling of contemporary writers like Zadie Smith, our aim is to delve into the diverse voices that have defined and redefined English literature.
Whether you're a lifelong bibliophile or just beginning your literary journey, we invite you to discover insightful analyses, fascinating biographies, and curated collections of works from England’s finest writers. Join us as we journey through the epochs of English literature, unraveling the genius of authors who have not only captured the essence of their times but also continue to inspire readers around the world.
Explore, enjoy, and immerse yourself in the words that have moved generations. Welcome to the world of English authors!

Medieval Period

Author Lifespan
Geoffrey Chaucer 1343–1400
Sir Thomas Malory 1415–1471
William Langland 1332–1386
Julian of Norwich 1342–1416

Renaissance Period

Author Lifespan
William Shakespeare 1564–1616
Christopher Marlowe 1564–1593
Edmund Spenser 1552–1599
Sir Philip Sidney 1554–1586
Ben Jonson 1572–1637
John Donne 1572–1631

17th Century

Author Lifespan
John Milton 1608–1674
Andrew Marvell 1621–1678
Robert Herrick 1591–1674
John Bunyan 1628–1688
Aphra Behn 1640–1689

18th Century

Author Lifespan
Jonathan Swift 1667–1745
Alexander Pope 1688–1744
Samuel Johnson 1709–1784
Henry Fielding 1707–1754
Laurence Sterne 1713–1768
William Blake 1757–1827

Romantic Period

Author Lifespan
William Wordsworth 1770–1850
Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1772–1834
Percy Bysshe Shelley 1792–1822
Lord Byron 1788–1824
John Keats 1795–1821
Mary Shelley 1797–1851

Victorian Period

Author Lifespan
Charles Dickens 1812–1870
George Eliot 1819–1880
Thomas Hardy 1840–1928
Charlotte Brontë 1816–1855
Emily Brontë 1818–1848
Elizabeth Barrett Browning 1806–1861
Alfred, Lord Tennyson 1809–1892

Early 20th Century

Author Lifespan
Virginia Woolf 1882–1941
James Joyce 1882–1941
D. H. Lawrence 1885–1930
T. S. Eliot 1888–1965
F. Scott Fitzgerald 1896–1940
Ernest Hemingway 1899–1961

Mid 20th Century

Author Lifespan
George Orwell 1903–1950
Aldous Huxley 1894–1963
Graham Greene 1904–1991
J. R. R. Tolkien 1892–1973
William Golding 1911–1993
Doris Lessing 1919–2013

Late 20th Century to Present

Author Lifespan
Salman Rushdie b. 1947
Margaret Atwood b. 1939
Ian McEwan b. 1948
Kazuo Ishiguro b. 1954
J. K. Rowling b. 1965
Zadie Smith b. 1975
Hilary Mantel 1952–2022
Julian Barnes b. 1946
Neil Gaiman b. 1960
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie b. 1977

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