Welcome to our celebration of Kannada literature, a vibrant and enduring tapestry of words that weaves through the rich cultural heritage of Karnataka. Here, we delve into the world of Kannada authors, whose eloquent prose and evocative poetry have made a lasting impact on the literary landscape. From the classical elegance of ancient poets to the innovative voices of contemporary writers, Kannada literature embodies a profound depth of emotion, intellect, and creativity.
Join us in celebrating the brilliance of Kannada authors, whose literary genius continues to enlighten, entertain, and enrich the lives of readers worldwide. Through their words, we embark on a timeless journey of discovery, understanding, and appreciation for the unparalleled beauty of Kannada literature.

Ancient and Medieval Period

Author Century
Adikavi Pampa 10th century
Ranna 10th century
Ponna 10th century
Harihara 12th century
Raghavanka 12th century
Janna 13th century
Kumara Vyasa 15th century
Ratnakaravarni 16th century
Lakshmisha 16th century
Purandara Dasa 15th-16th century

Early Modern Period

Author Century
Basavanna 12th century
Akkamahadevi 12th century
Kanaka Dasa 16th century
Sarvajna 16th century

Modern Period (Pre-Independence)

Author Lifespan
Kuvempu 1904–1994
Masti Venkatesha Iyengar 1891–1986
D. R. Bendre 1896–1981
K. Shivaram Karanth 1902–1997
G. P. Rajarathnam 1909–1979
B. M. Srikantaiah 1884–1946

Contemporary Period (Post-Independence)

Author Lifespan
U. R. Ananthamurthy 1932–2014
Girish Karnad 1938–2019
S. L. Bhyrappa b. 1931
Poornachandra Tejaswi 1938–2007
Vaidehi b. 1945
Chandrashekhara Kambara b. 1937
Siddalingaiah 1954–2021
Vijayalakshmi Shibaruru b. 1948

Recent and Current Authors

Author Lifespan
Jayant Kaikini b. 1958
Devanur Mahadeva b. 1948
Lankesh 1935–2000
Ananthamurthy Krishna b. 1955
K. S. Nissar Ahmed 1936–2020
Bolwar Mahamad Kunhi b. 1951
Vasudhendra b. 1973
Vaidehi b. 1945
Roopa Rao b. 1974

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